According to TechFlow, on July 5, @TheAntiApe, an official of the decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platform IO.NET, clarified on the X platform that the rumor about the transfer of 2.5 million IO tokens was a false rumor. Previously, @maid_crypto claimed that Hanz, the head of IO's marketing department, transferred 2.5 million IO tokens through 110 addresses, suspected of "rat trading".

@TheAntiApe said: 1. This contract is the airdrop contract for the third season of IO, from streamflow. The community rewards of 2.5 million IO and the remaining GPU rewards are separate contracts, so the contract shows a total of 2.5 million. 2. The link posted by @maid_crypto filtered out more than 10,000 transactions. If you cancel the filter, you can see all the small amount of transactions in the contract.