According to TechFlow, @ai_9684xtpa monitored that some smart money has recharged 11,484 ETH to Binance in the past 3 hours, suspected of reducing positions to stop profits (worth 33.09 million US dollars). If all are sold, a profit of 5.93 million US dollars will be made.

The smart money bought 56,135 ETH at an average price of $2,365 from 2023.09.30 to 2024.07.05 through two addresses, spending a total of $132 million. Since June 21, a total of 30,461 ETH (worth $95.36 million) has been sold, with a total profit of $23.32 million. Currently, there are still 20,184 ETH left in the two wallets, with a total floating profit of $10.17 million.