Some people are happy and some are worried. If you catch it, it's heaven, otherwise it's hell.

So don't try to speculate on the market. The market is like the weather. It's not that it's windy or rainy. You can never change this fact. Never think that the bottom you think is the bottom.

The attention of all! The first non-agricultural report in the second half of the year will be released tonight at 20:30. It needs to be vigilant that the non-agricultural report will subvert the expectation of interest rate cuts!

For the support below the non-agricultural report in the evening, you can pay attention to the big cake 53000 and the aunt 2800 position mentioned at noon. If it falls below, then look at 50500/2720. However, I am not overly optimistic about the surge and plunge in the evening. It may be a wide range of fluctuations. The upper pressure is the big cake 56800 and the aunt 3050 line. The lower support focuses on the big cake 53000 and the aunt 2800.

In summary, when the direction is wrong, stopping is the best progress.

There is no need to rush forward for the data market. If there is no good entry opportunity, just wait and see.

The article has a delay. If you don’t understand the market and need real-time explanations to learn technical techniques and experience, please read my introduction to the industry.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期