
《WLD, risk follows you everywhere》

Tucker said earlier that the rebound is an opportunity for you to get off the train. Faced with the release of a large number of bargain-priced chips, how do you deal with it? If you give me chips, I will take them and wait until WLD rebounds, which is the time to ship. When everyone has the same idea, there will be a run on the market, and WLD will fall like a waterfall. After all, no one is willing to accept that their selling price is cheaper than others.

In the current investment environment, WLD is in a bad situation and is facing a situation where a large number of cheap chips are about to be released, which sets a huge obstacle for its rebound.

Usually when the market is positive, such as the rebound of Bitcoin, most coins will benefit from the rise, but WLD is different. The large number of cheap chips that are about to be released is the "Sword of Damocles" above its head.

These unlocked chips are released at market prices, which will cause a large amount of low-cost WLD supply in the market, causing a huge impact on the current price. Even if the rebound of Bitcoin drives enthusiasm, the rebound of WLD is easy to be suppressed.

We need to be clear-headed and realize that it is too optimistic to expect WLD to rebound quickly and make huge profits. With a large number of cheap chips, WLD is easily suppressed by selling when it rebounds. Tucker made a rational analysis, and brothers who own WLD should treat it rationally.



