This is simply a "vampire feast" in the financial world! Those ghosts in Mentougou and the invisible hands of the German government are simply a vampire army of zero-cost BTC, which has drained the exchange liquidity earned by the blood and sweat of the bulls. They are not satisfied with small fights, and they directly take the free lunch and go on a killing spree in the exchange. The bulls were blown to pieces, and what about them? Hehe, they withdraw money in a chic manner, leaving a mess, just to get it for free!

Some people naively say that we should not restrict these "free lunch" funds from entering the market to make trouble, and say that the confiscated Bitcoin has no cost, and only the fined people have the cost. This is simply a joke among jokes! How can the fined buddies be so stupid as to use real money to do such a loss-making business? Only those who get the cost-free BTC by improper means will be so unscrupulous to disrupt the situation, smash it and run away, leaving a mess.

Look at the market of Bitcoin again, it's really scary! If it accidentally slides to the floor of $50,000, hey, the long brothers with $449 million in the mainstream exchanges will be miserable and wait for the fate of being liquidated. On the other hand, if it rises to $56,000 like a madman one day, those short big guys will not have an easy time either, as they have $772 million of short orders waiting for them to fill the pit. This market is really more exciting than a horror movie, and people can't help but say "enjoy it"!

It's obviously because I feel sorry for my wallet