⚡️According to the analysis, the callback will be around 53,000 as expected

⚡️How will the market go next?

According to the analysis, Bitcoin is also around 53,000 as expected

The main reason for this round of market decline can be attributed to the superposition of multiple factors, including the economic conditions in Germany, the United States and other regions, the behavior of miners and the impact of the Mentougou incident, which together led to increased selling pressure in the market.

However, from the conventional logic, the rise of the S&P and Nasdaq and the decline of the US dollar index usually have a positive impact on the currency circle and promote its rise.

But the actual situation is the opposite, which shows that this round of decline may not be completely driven by natural market forces, but there are human factors.

Specifically, institutions or dealers may deliberately suppress the market for the purpose of absorbing funds in advance, making the premium of cryptocurrencies such as BTC too high.

As the interest rate cut node approaches, they may choose to pick up chips at a lower price after the market is smashed to a certain extent. Although this behavior seems to violate market rules, it is not uncommon in financial markets, especially in the relatively new and volatile cryptocurrency market.

In summary, this round of market decline can be regarded as the result of institutions or dealers deliberately trying to collect funds in advance. They may take advantage of the uncertainty and panic in the market and collect more chips by suppressing prices in order to obtain greater benefits when the market recovers in the future.

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