$ETH 🔥🔥The currency circle is in turmoil again: Bitcoin plummets, and mining machines face great challenges to survive!

🌟 Market focus: Bitcoin's "diving" performance

📉 Recently, Bitcoin, the "big boss of the currency circle", seems to be playing a heartbeat game, and the price plummeted, directly touching the low of $54,000. This sudden plunge instantly put the mining machine industry into a "life and death speed".

📊 The "life and death line" of the mining machine industry

🔍 According to the latest data from F2Pool, the mining machine industry is experiencing a brutal elimination game. In this game, only five mining machine models can barely gain a foothold and continue to struggle in the Bitcoin mining sea. The rest of the mining machines can only face the reality of losses helplessly, and may have begun to consider the possibility of switching to selling pancakes.

📈 On the chart, the clear "life and death line" is shocking - as long as the price of Bitcoin is slightly lower than $53,100, the four brothers of Antminer and the only seedling of Avalon will also face a life and death test.

💭 Expert opinion: the dawn of a local bottom?

🗣️ Dovey Wan of Primitive Crypto expressed his unique insights on this: "Miners, you are already on the verge of 'surrender'! Especially for those miners holding S19, your break-even point is around $52,000. But please don't lose heart, this may be the perfect time for us to usher in the 'local bottom'."

🌈 Future Outlook: Bottom out or continue to bottom out?

🤔 This wave of Bitcoin's plunge not only made investors sweat, but also made the entire mining machine industry feel unprecedented pressure. What will the market do next? Is it a bottom-out rebound and regain the upward trend? Or continue to bottom out and find new support? Everything is still unknown. Let us all look forward to the calming down of this cryptocurrency storm!

