Is it a bear market or a bull market now? This has become a one-sided trend. Because the copycat market has been cut in half again and again, the answer is obvious. Most people think there is no bull market. But the truth is: Is the cryptocurrency market entering a bear market? Today, let's analyze from the following aspects to see what trend background the real market is in.

1. From the overall environment, it is highly likely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in 2024, no matter how many times, this is a direct positive.

2. With the approval of BTC's ETF, the overall purchase is far greater than the outflow, which is a direct positive.

3. Although the cottage plummeted, compared with the sharp drop from April 13, 2024, both the volume and the decline have decreased, which shows that this wave of decline is a panic sell-off.

The real main force smashed the market suddenly and fell rapidly, so from the trend, the decline of the cottage still showed signs of weakening.

4. As the market fell, most people cut their losses and bought big cake ether, because they were no longer optimistic about the cottage, and they were afraid that it would be cut in half again. At least the big cake ether could still make a profit.

5. The market value share of Bitcoin and Ethereum rose again, which also shows that retail investors in the market began to exclude cottages and abandon cottages, which is for the follow-up of the currency circle. It is a good thing, because the stability of Bitcoin and Ethereum gives the cottage a chance to emerge

The above five points all show that the current currency circle belongs to the stage where insiders look at the doorway and outsiders watch the excitement

I won’t talk much about the technical side. I have been analyzing it before. Bitcoin is not a double-top trend, and the market has broken the historical high, which is enough to show the strength of Bitcoin

Although it has been falling, it is normal for Bitcoin to start fluctuating and correcting from October 2023 to March

Ignore the interference of those short-term waves. Selling high and buying low only satisfies the short-term pleasure of making money. If you want to really get big results, you still have to rely on the wealth dividend of the big trend

Recently, there are friends who have been deeply trapped in contracts and currencies, and they still want to get back their money and look forward to grasping the big bull market. Welcome to consult me

Major turning points in life, there will be opportunities only when there is a crisis in reality. Perhaps your active communication this time can put you on the right track in the road of currency investment #PEPEUSDT #PEOPLEUSDT $SOL