Those who earn a million yuan a year in first-tier cities can't save much money if they spend lavishly.

They cry poor because they spend too much money, and they think that their spending level is normal.

For example.

A couple in first-tier cities, both of them have a high income of 700,000 before tax, and their annual income after tax is over 1 million.

Couples with such high incomes also cry poor online, saying that they have no money and spend all their money every year.

You ask them where their money goes. They say that the mortgage is 360,000, two cars are 50,000 a year, both of them work, so they hired a live-in nanny, 8,000 a month, 100,000 a year, the eldest child goes to elementary school, the tuition and training are 150,000 a year, the younger child goes to kindergarten, the tuition and interest classes are 100,000 a year, the family travels abroad once a year and domestically twice a year, 100,000, daily food, drink, defecation and urination are 100,000, and 50,000 is given to both parents every year.

If you follow their calculations, you will feel that their family income of more than 1 million after tax may even be negative.

I don’t think that their crying poor can be considered as real poverty. If they are poor, then what should we call those who earn 100,000 or 200,000 yuan a year in first-tier cities?