Well, well, it's Black Friday again, right? That's how it's going, right? You just have to catch the bulls and beat them to death.

There's nothing much to say about this market, you're stuck! What K-line, support and resistance swap positions, all broken by you, the enemy has started to go crazy. I don't know if BTC is really going to go to 52,000. ETH's 2,800 is the support level of the big structure, and it looks like a candle in the wind, and it can be broken at any time.

This Monday, it went all the way north, drifting down from the top of Akina Mountain, and was about to drift to Xia Shu's house, without a trace of looking back, close to 20,000 points. I don't want to watch the copycats even more, almost all of them fell by 40%. Do you want to harvest me just because we buy a 5% position? Anyway, our ETH position was liquidated at 2,100, and the team unanimously agreed to fight to the end.

It is said that Sun Ge's smile makes life and death unpredictable. The news said that our Sun Ge, Sun Yuchen, has a wallet that has dropped from a maximum of 1.4 billion US dollars to 900 million US dollars. So it’s not just us small fry who are trapped, the big guys are also trapped. At worst, we’ll see ETH at 2100!

#非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #热门话题 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH