US President Joe Biden's re-election probability dropped to 9 percent on the decentralized prediction platform Polymarket. Bettors are debating whether the Democratic nominee will be Vice President Kamala Harris instead of Biden. Biden's odds recovered briefly and are now at 10 percent in Polymarket's $226 million "2024 Presidential Election Winner" market.

Former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump is the favorite with 61 percent, and Harris is in second place with 19 percent. Share prices on Biden's prediction platform PredictIt also fell from $0.25 to $0.20. Harris is now the leading Democratic candidate, but Trump still has the highest-valued "Yes" shares at $0.58.

There are growing concerns from the media and outside commentators about Biden's fitness for a second term. According to CNN, the President alarmed several US governors at a meeting at the White House on July 3, jokingly saying, "I'm fine - I'm not sure about my brain."

Polymarket now puts the odds of Biden withdrawing before the November 4 US election at 66 per cent, with Harris the most likely Democratic candidate to face Trump. However, Biden emphasized that he has no intention of resigning. “I'm not going anywhere,” Biden said.

Biden and Trump did not bring up Bitcoin (BTC) or digital asset-related issues during the first Presidential Debate on June 27. Trump and Biden are scheduled to face off again in the final Presidential Debate on September 10. How do you think this will affect cryptocurrencies? We are waiting your comments.#blockchain#cryptocurrency #elections