Forty thousand or one hundred thousand? Members of the German Bundestag call on the government to stop selling Bitcoin!

The German government recently made a major decision to transfer BTC worth up to $195 million to a number of crypto asset exchanges including Coinbase, Kraken and Bitstamp. This move was strongly criticized by Bundestag member Joana Cotar.

Such large-scale selling behavior by the government may have a profound negative impact on the stability of the crypto asset market. In fact, this action has caused significant fluctuations in the price of BTC and unsettled the market.

This batch of BTC assets being sold originated from an investigation into the illegal movie streaming website At that time, approximately 50,000 BTC were confiscated, with a current value of more than 3 billion US dollars. The government's continued sale of these confiscated assets has sparked widespread controversy and discussion not only within Germany but also internationally.

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In a series of tweets, Cotar condemned the government’s decision-making and contrasted it with the United States’ attitude toward BTC. In the United States, BTC is regarded as a strategic reserve currency.

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