Written by: Tia, Techub News

Anoma's goal is to provide a common intent machine interface for applications, which means that with Anoma, developers can write applications in terms of intents and distributed intent machines instead of in terms of transactions and specific state machines. Anoma provides a common standard for intents and applications that does not restrict what types of intents can be expressed, but allows for state, network, and application interoperability. In broad terms, Anoma standardizes the process of verifying that an intent has been met, but does not standardize how the solution is computed. These intents and applications written in Anoma can be ordered, matched, and settled anywhere.

Anoma has built a complete framework with "intention" as the bottom layer by breaking down the smallest unit of collaboration. I believe that when Anoma has enough users, the interweaving of countless "intentions" will lead to the emergence of novel product creations and even unprecedented collaborative experiences. Today, the team has come up with many new ideas about the applications that may be built on Anoma. The following is a brief introduction to these application concepts.

Public Signal

Public Signal is a financing platform. Currently, mainstream public goods financing platforms such as Kickstarter usually adopt a project-based system, that is, project parties that need funds publish relevant information about their projects on the platform, and funders decide whether to donate. This is a demand-side market. The difference of Public Signal is that its intent-based architecture allows fund providers to express their needs. For example, they can set up an intention to "donate to the Earth Ecological Restoration Project" and donate to that intention.

When users who provide funds donate based on intention, it can bring such a benefit that a group of users with common needs and intentions can obtain products that are unique to this specific group through fundraising. For example, when a group of users who want to produce a universal encrypted mobile phone that is compatible with most blockchains form an autonomous community and donate to it, this will force the production side to respond. At this point, consumers will no longer be passive recipients of products, but will have the initiative in the direction of product construction through intention.

Of course, there are many more examples of intention-based donations, such as:

  • Identity-based: 1 ETH can be donated to any project to which Vitalik has donated more than 10 ETH.

  • Based on information: 1 ETH can be donated to any project conducting superconductivity research.

  • Incentive-based: 10 ETH can be donated to any project that offers a refund bounty.

  • Threshold-based: 10,000 NAM can be donated to any project that raises more than 50% of its campaign goal in 1 week or less.

Scale-free kudos

Usually, everyone thinks that money was born as a medium for barter. But in David Graeber's book, we can see that the concept of credit was born before the birth of money. In the tribe, people simply recorded who gave what to whom and when, and settled regularly. This was the prototype of early free-scale currency. If a resident had good credit, he could get what he needed when he needed it, and then repay it in exchange for other goods in the future.

But in today’s world, this form of accounting doesn’t scale, so we live in a world of fiat money, where money is issued by only a few (hopefully) trustworthy institutions, such as governments and banks, and people trade not their personal credit but debts issued by these institutions in their daily interactions.

This brings up the problem of centralization of trust in fiat currencies. It is possible that a small number of people who put their personal interests above the public interest will become controllers of the money supply mechanism and use part of the money for their own private purposes.

Scale-free kudos are credit currencies that anyone can issue. Since repayment is usually in the form of another party's credit currency, the parties exchanging credit (which may be heterogeneous) have a common interest in each other's future success. If I teach you something and you owe me money, I don't care if what I taught you is right or wrong, I just want to convince you to pay me more money. If I teach you something and you pay me with credit, then I probably want to teach you something correct and useful so that your credit is valuable to me in the future. The above is the main idea of ​​​​scale-free kudos. For details, please refer to the article "Running Towards Utopia - The Prerequisite Cultural and Technical Foundations of Returning to the World of Scale-Free Credit Currency".

Prediction Market

Prediction markets are used to collect information and predict future events, so they are also called "futures markets of ideas" or "information markets". They can be used as a tool for information collection and combine information into precise estimates so that everyone can use these estimates to make decisions. The transaction price for an event is the probability of the event occurring.

Prediction markets can be used not only for weather forecasts or political election predictions, but also to create free markets for different topics, so that people can link money to their opinions. Extending this concept, perhaps in the future, prediction markets can be used as an alternative to news sources to create a new form of information driven by financial incentives to promote truth, rather than by enticing clicks.

In Anoma's architecture, users will make predictions through intent. The benefit of this is that there is no need to rely on "solvers" to update oracles on many markets. Therefore, in a sense, users are more capable of capturing the MEV of the prediction market. More importantly, if the incentives are right, it can keep the solving market decentralized.


In the Web2 world, centralized servers store all data, and users' data on social software cannot be migrated. Major social software builds their own moats by increasing the migration cost of users. Multichat is a decentralized social app built on Anoma. Users can control information visibility preferences, and because Anoma is based on intent, it has intent composability, that is, different programs can be matched and settled as long as there is a composable intent. At the same time, ZKP will be carried to encrypt the original data.

Time Banks

Unlike currency as a medium of exchange, time banks allow users to deposit time or earn "time points" by providing skills to people with points. Currently, it is mostly used in the elderly care industry. For example, young people can contribute time to take care of the elderly, and then they can save this time and redeem it when they reach the age where they need care. Time banks built on Anoma can use Anoma for accounting and settlement.