#区块链快讯# According to Greeks.live, affected by the multi-party sell-off, the crypto market suffered a heavy blow, with BTC falling to $57,000 and ETH falling to $3,100. Options market data show that BTC's main short-term and medium-term IV rose by 10%, Dvol rose by 3%, and the increase in ETH-related parameters was slightly lower than BTC, and Skew was obviously deflected to the bearish direction. BTC's large bearish trading volume is obviously increasing, with 58,000Put trading the largest in the second week. However, the whales do not seem to be too worried about the potential risk of decline, mainly adjusting their positions for last week's quarterly delivery, especially ETH, where the whales showed low volatility expectations. Is this a market adjustment or the beginning of a bear market? What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.