This is the first time for everyone to experience such a market

In 2021, the market wash also started in mid-April and ended on July 20.

I washed it for more than three months. This wave also started in mid-April and has continued until now, which is less than three months ago.

Everyone is facing an unprecedented market baptism. The 21-year market washout kicked off in mid-April, and after three months of aftermath, it did not subside until July 20. Now, a similar wash cycle is happening again, which started in mid-April and has not yet reached March, but it is already thrilling.

This time and that time, the duration of the washout and the trajectory of Bitcoin's rise are quite similar, but the altcoin field shows a completely different look. In the past, on the eve of "519", altcoins generally enjoyed a more significant increase feast. Now, this round of market wash is so violent that it is indistinguishable from "519", which is miserable.

Therefore, everyone has experienced such turmoil in the altcoin market for the first time. Whether it is the potential impact of ETFs or the follow-up effects of interest rate cuts, they have become material for reflection afterwards, making it difficult to provide immediate and conclusive guidance for current decisions.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #BTC走势分析

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