You know, 60 K was the rock bottom. You know, it wouldn't fall yet. They are still writing shamelessly and they are so-called phenomena, great master cryptographers.

When BTC could not exceed 72 K levels, I made small sales up to 65% cash rate. And I wrote here that there might be an M formation, be careful, and talked about my own plan. Even in the comments, there were people who said that you will watch from behind while we experience the rise. The cases of these types have melted more than 50% as of now. You can't be stubborn with the market, friends.

Draw a plan for yourself to stay safe.

I will slowly start looking for opportunities with a 65% cash ratio now.

The market could have blown away from where I was selling. Since I was in nearly 35% of the goods, I would make small profits. I chose to stay safe. And we are watching how correct the decision I made was.

You can go in and look at my old articles, friends. It's been almost a month since I've been telling you that there is an M formation, be careful, I'm switching to cash. I made a plan and stuck to it. The market may have moved in line with my expectations this time, but this does not mean that I will always have the right expectations.

In this regard, do not do what every true writer says without questioning.

If you are going to be an investor here, research and learn. Money is not easy to earn. It's a shame, don't waste your efforts on the comments of 2 avelins.

As I get closer to 52K levels, I will make small purchases. If it goes down from there, I have nothing left to do, I will work harder and bring in money 😅😅

May you have abundant profits 🌹

