Determining the best price to buy BTC depends on a combination of technical analysis and market conditions. Based on the chart you provided and the analysis of various indicators, here are some potential buying points:

1. **Support Levels:**

- The middle Bollinger Band around $39,930.60 can be considered a strong support level. If the price retraces to this level and shows signs of a bounce, it could be a good entry point.

2. **Moving Averages:**

- The EMA(7) is at $57,770.97. A buying opportunity might arise if the price breaks above this level, indicating a short-term bullish reversal.

3. **Psychological Levels:**

- The price of $50,000 is a significant psychological level and often acts as strong support. If the price approaches this level and shows bullish signals, it could be a good entry point.

4. **RSI Indicator:**

- An RSI value below 30 is considered oversold, which often indicates a potential buying opportunity. While the current RSI is at 57.12, waiting for a lower RSI might present a better buying opportunity during a pullback.

5. **Volume Analysis:**

- Look for high trading volumes on a bounce from support levels, which would indicate strong buying interest and a potential good entry point.


- **Short-term Buy:** Consider buying if the price moves above the 7-day EMA ($57,770.97) and shows increasing bullish momentum.

- **Medium-term Buy:** Look for a bounce near the middle Bollinger Band ($39,930.60) or the psychological level of $50,000 with confirmation from other indicators like RSI and volume.

- **Long-term Buy:** Accumulate BTC at significant dips or major support levels such as the lower Bollinger Band.

Always keep in mind the overall market sentiment and news that can impact Bitcoin's price. Make sure to use proper risk management strategies such as setting stop-loss levels and position sizing based on your risk tolerance.