There is a mysterious prophecy circulating in the market: the day when the Fed cuts interest rates is the day when the bull market will run wild, and 2025 is being seen as a potential outbreak point for this financial feast!

However, the views of market sages are as colorful as a kaleidoscope. One school of thought believes that the dawn of the real bull market may have quietly blossomed before the horn of interest rate cuts is blown. The interest rate cut, the realization of this much-anticipated positive, may instead become a catalyst for market fluctuations, and even trigger a short-term correction storm.

At the same time, another group of people are conservative and skeptical about the upcoming bull market. In their view, 2025 may not be the peak of the bull market, but the eve of the quiet after the prosperity has ended.

But the voice of optimism cannot be ignored. They firmly believe that even if 2025 is not the absolute climax of the bull market, this bull market wave will continue to surge in the next few years, and may even usher in an unprecedented new era of long-term bull market. However, all these beautiful visions are tightly bound to the shackles of interest rate cut expectations. Once the expectations come true, the market may usher in an unprecedented storm baptism.

But the mirror of history can always reflect different scenery. Looking back at the interest rate cut process in 2019, the Federal Reserve opened the door to interest rate cuts in July, and interest rates slowly fell like the river flowing eastward. According to some logic, when the expectation of interest rate cuts first appeared, the bull market should come to an abrupt end. However, the facts are quite different-the carnival feast in the currency circle did not really begin until the end of the interest rate cut cycle, that is, in April of the following year!

Learning from the past and knowing the present, we have reason to foresee that if the interest rate cut drama begins in 2025, and it has been laid out since September this year and continued for a whole year, then this bull market feast will be more crazy than any previous one! Interest rate cuts, the sweet nectar of this market, its effect needs time to brew carefully before it can show its true power.

As for the length of this round of interest rate cuts, given that the current interest rate has climbed to a high of 5.5%, its reduction and duration may be far greater than before. From 5.5% to 2%? Or a deeper 1.5%? Even lower to 1% or 0.25%? Everything is possible! For more in-depth analysis and unique insights, please click on the avatar to find out!

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