$ETH ⚡️That’s it! You stupid whale

If you spend all 40 million U.S. dollars to buy Cat, I tell you, you will become 200 million U.S. dollars. Because of various aspects of market value. So I say you are a big stupid whale, so you should find a shallow power coin. Like cat coins. The main force is badly needed to get rid of addiction. Listed on Binance.

⚠️The giant whale is liquidated❕❕

The giant whale spent 40 million US dollars to be long on Ethereum, intending to lead the market storm, but unexpectedly fell into a liquidation crisis.

Due to sudden changes in the market, the former hegemon Ethereum plummeted, facing huge losses and liquidation risks.

This move may trigger a chain reaction in the market and shock the digital currency world.

The mistake of the giant whale has become a hot topic in the currency circle, warning investors to act with caution and avoid blindly following the trend and taking big gambles.

The digital currency market is cruel and ruthless, and only those with both strength and wisdom can gain a foothold.

So should we ambush a long order near 2980😂

Take a piece of the pie from more than 40 million💲