The bearish trend is in line with expectations. Will Bitcoin reach 50,000 and Ethereum 2,800 in the future?

From the perspective of the current market from the daily level, the 60,000 mark below Bitcoin has been broken. The market is just as expected in the previous article. Once the 60,000 mark is broken, it can be regarded as a signal of the continuation of the bearish trend. The 58,000 line is temporarily down. The current market has fallen to the 57,000 line, which is only one step away from the previous low of 56,500. If the market fails to stand firm at the 58,500 line before the daily close, it can be regarded as a new pressure level in the future, and the 60,000 mark will become a signal for a bullish counterattack. The Ethereum daily line will also break the 3350 line mentioned above, which is also an important node for the continuation of the bearish trend. The break will temporarily look at the 3200 line. The market has now fallen to around 3100, which is also a short-term support. If it continues to break down, it will look at 3000-2800, and the upper pressure will look at 3250 -3350; from the 4-hour line level, Bitcoin can regard the previous low of 66500 as support, and the short-term suppression is temporarily at 58500-59000. Ethereum's short-term pressure is 3220-3250, and the support is 3050-3100;

The current market has successfully gone out of expectations again. Unfortunately, the short position was arranged in the early morning, and the rebound position was not accurately grasped. Bitcoin is shorted at 61000-61500, with a target of 60000-59000, and Ethereum is shorted at 3350-3370, with a target of 3300-3200. All targets have exceeded expectations. It is still relatively accurate to continue to see the continuation of the short position. The subsequent market is still recommended to be high-altitude. This wave of short-selling trend is optimistic that Bitcoin can reach 50000, and Ethereum is expected to see the previous low of 2800!

Operation idea: see the continuation of the short position and continue to short!

Bitcoin short at 58000-58500, target 57000-56000, loss above 59000;

Ether short at 3180-3200, target 3100-3000, loss above 3250;

Strategy is time-sensitive, and specific private real-time guidance is the main focus!

Professional team gold medal analyst Ruoyu, focusing on contract trading guidance, follow the WeChat public account Biquan Ruoyu, to understand real-time market analysis and operation ideas! #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划