Most people now have a wrong mindset, thinking that large-cap coins rise slowly, while small-cap coins rise quickly.

This mindset was correct before 2021, but it is wrong after 2021.

In the winter of 2019, no one could have imagined that BNB, with a market value of about 20 billion, could rise to about 90 billion in more than three years;

In October 2022, no one could have imagined that Nvidia, with a market value of 250 billion US dollars, would rise to 3.2 trillion US dollars in less than two years.

Therefore, in this era, a large market cap has never been a reason for not rising, and a small market cap is not a reason for it to rise.

Large-cap coins with good fundamentals, good logic and good narrative can also be hyped into big bull coins, and now, large coins are easier to hype into big bull coins than small coins because they are more scarce and more certain.

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