Hold on, great crypto consumers!

We must straighten out our thinking. First of all, the most important points of our cryptocurrency trading are position management. Chong Ge has been saying it in his live broadcast or in his skirt. You can't be fully invested at any time. The recommended ratio is 50-50. If you listen to the advice and don't fully invest, but in five layers of investment, although you will lose money now, at least you will lose less, not so much! ! ! Less loss is a win!

Another point is that the current market is only suitable for ultra-short-term trading. Ubicoin is more practical. Don't always think about buying at the bottom. Buying at the bottom, we can wait for the market to stabilize before entering. It's okay to make less money. If you are trapped, it may take a long time to get out of it! ! ! ! Don't think about opening a contract to make up for the loss now. Opening a contract will only accelerate your pace of liquidation. It's good if ten out of 100 people can make money by opening a contract! !

I have told you about the recent bad news above, let me tell you about the good news:

1. In a few days, Ethereum's ETF will submit documents. If it goes fast, it will be approved next week, and then a lot of funds will enter the market! ! ! ! ! If Ethereum stabilizes, it will be much better for the copycats! ! ! !

2. It is rumored that the Federal Reserve can't hold on any longer and will cut interest rates in the third quarter. Good days are on the way!

3. Former US President Donald Trump supports Bitcoin and believes that Bitcoin may become a strategic reserve asset, which will help enhance the geopolitical strength and economic stability of the United States. Trump's voice in this election is still very high #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC☀