In the undercurrent of the stock market, the contest between the main force and retail investors often hides unknown secrets. Especially when the main force is preparing to withdraw quietly, the two distinctive features are like a lighthouse in the fog. Although it is not easy to detect, it is enough to reveal the truth.

The first thing to remember is that the main force often chooses to leave at the peak after the stock price has soared continuously. At this time, the first feature quietly emerges-that is, "high-level volume temptation, huge volume shock puzzle". Imagine that the main force pulls up or opens sharply higher, like a spotlight on the stage, instantly attracting the attention and capital influx of countless retail investors. This is not only to create a visual feast, but also a clever layout for the main force to cash out at a high position. However, it is difficult to sell the huge chips in one fell swoop, so a carefully planned high-level shock drama kicked off. The stock price jumped up and down, as if the main force was still greedily absorbing, but in fact it was weaving a net for retail investors to voluntarily take over. The "wolf is coming" game day after day makes retail investors gradually lose their vigilance in the ups and downs of the market, and eventually become the receiver.

The second characteristic is more subtle and complex. I call it "stubborn performance at the peak". It sounds contradictory, but it is actually a deep understanding of human nature. The main force knows that once the signs of retreat are revealed, it may trigger panic selling by retail investors, causing them to be trapped at high positions. Therefore, they have to play the role of "the last dancer" and continue to perform a strong market at the peak. This is not only to stabilize the hearts of retail investors, but also to get rid of the chips at a higher price at the last moment. As a result, we see that the stock price can still stubbornly hit a new high when it seems to be at the end of its strength, and the technical indicators show the strange scene of divergence and divergence. All of this is an illusion carefully woven by the main force to cover up the truth of the retreat.

In summary, the retreat of the main force in the stock market is not without trace. As long as we observe carefully, we can capture the real intention of the main force from those high-level volume, huge fluctuations and stubborn performances at the peak. In the game of the stock market, only by keeping a clear mind and keen insight can we be invincible. #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛