As the first debate of the U.S. presidential candidates comes to an end, the two candidates, who are generally considered to have performed poorly, have seen their related meme coins fall by more than 40% in the past week. Instead, the KAMA token, which is related to the current Vice President of the United States, broke through, with the currency price soaring more than 700% since the debate.

(Political meme wind is blowing, Biden (BODEN) and Trump (TRUMP) are different from each other?)

Trump, Biden meme coins both collapse

Data from Coingecko shows that political finance (PoliFi)-related meme coins have experienced considerable declines since the U.S. presidential candidate debate on the 27th of last month.

Because Biden's performance in previous debates with Trump was generally regarded as poor, including his hoarse voice and occasional loss of logic, the meme coin (BODEN) whose name resembles Biden collapsed by more than 27 in the past day. %, falling by 73% within a week.

While Trump's approval rating rose after the debate, his counterpart, the meme coin (TREMP), has also fallen more than 17% in the past 24 hours and is down 42.8% on the week.

He Jinli (KAMA) rushes to catch up

Interestingly, according to Dexscreener data, Solana seems to be based on the meme coin (KAMA) of the current US Vice President Kamala Harris. Its price has soared by more than 780% since the debate, and its market value has skyrocketed from US$3.5 million. to $11.7 million.

At the price highs of the past few days, KAMA's market value even reached a peak of $22.2 million.

Generally speaking, even if the popularity of meme coins does not absolutely represent the opinions of voters, it also implicitly hints at the degree of international preference for Harris to replace Biden.

With calls to withdraw from the election spreading, what is Biden’s choice?

Although Harris Jinli's voice is gradually rising, the rumors about the replacement of candidates have not been confirmed.

However, according to data from the US polling website FiveThirtyEight, Trump is still firmly ahead of Biden by about 2.3%

The CNN report also pointed out that most voters believe that Biden is too old and not suitable to be president:

Seventy-five percent of voters who participated in the poll believed that the Democratic Party would have a better chance of winning the 2024 presidential election if someone other than Biden became the candidate in the presidential election.

In addition, related bets also appeared on the prediction market Polymarket, which pointed out that Biden’s chance of dropping out of the election was about 64%, a number that surged after Biden’s debate defeat.

In this regard, Biden also admitted that he needed to prove his ability to govern in order to maintain his qualifications for the election. However, in the face of pressure, he emphasized that he would not withdraw from the race:

At present, no one is pushing me to leave, so I will not leave and will campaign to the end.

Hayden Adams: Polymarket has become a place for insider information to be exposed

At the same time, Uniswap founder Hayden Adams tweeted:

Polymarket's prediction market for the Democratic nominee is exploding, and currently it's basically an anonymous place for insider leaks.

This article: There are widespread calls for Biden to withdraw from the election, and the Trump meme currency plummeted by 20%. Will Kamala Harris be the successor? First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.