I didn’t follow up before the rise, and didn’t run away before the fall.

I once lost a house in the cryptocurrency circle like this!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the strategy of chasing ups and downs!

The real reason for losing money is: 99% of retail investors will make a mistake - they can’t hold on to the trending orders, and they hold on to the counter-trend orders.

First, let’s talk about the trending orders. Many people hold a mentality of "quit when you see the profit, and take the profit". Okay, if you decide that this is your last speculative order, and you swear never to enter this market again after you take this order, then I support you to do so.

But if not, you are actually looking forward to being able to sell at the highest point every time, and then the stock price happens to start to fall after selling, and then you buy the bottom again, and so on - in fact, you are betting on a very small probability event. Often, the order is sold, and the market starts to enter the next round of pull-up, but it has nothing to do with you.

#BTC #ETH #pepe #WLD #SOL

First of all, we must recognize the situation and ourselves.

The purpose of coming to this circle is to change your life. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?