The currency circle is now only negative, can this market still take off?


From the current situation, it may be difficult for the circle to create miracles again. The logic is very simple. If Bitcoin wants to reach hundreds of thousands of dollars, it needs the cooperation of the macro situation, but at present, this form may not exist again.

In the absence of a quantitative easing environment, reality will overwhelm ideals. What does it mean? Simply put, if there is less money printed, there is no money, how can the price of the currency rise? Rely on halving? Look at the real estate, how many houses have been blown up, has it risen?

It has always been emphasized that the premise of price increases is demand. In the absence of money, no matter how great the demand is, you can only hold it back. After all, only by surviving can there be a future.

Of course, even so, now is still the best time to pay attention to the encryption market. The reason is very simple. Although the next round of increases may be much gentler than before, it is still the market low point. If you don’t start, what are you waiting for?

Many people are waiting for the black swan, and they are afraid that the cooked duck will fly away. Therefore, my suggestion is to get on the bus now and adjust later.

Of course, buying when no one is interested is indeed a test of human nature, but from an investment perspective, this is exactly the best time.

I have previously recommended a book that introduces the ideas of the world's top investors. The investment logic is surprisingly consistent. They are optimistic about assets and buy them when no one is interested and below their value, and hold them.

As for the value of Bitcoin, I have talked about it with my mouth ulcers. I won't say more. I am tired.