The washout in this bull market is more bloody than ever before, so it is impossible to directly compare the current bull market with the previous bull market. The environment of the currency circle has changed, and the trend is different.

The greater the extent of the washout, the stronger the panic of retail investors, and the less they dare to enter the market. It is obviously a bull market, but it washes out the feeling of a bear market. Therefore, many people think that the current is the end of the bull market and the beginning of the bear market.

But please listen to me, the Bitcoin ETF has just been approved, and institutions have begun to enter the market. It has only been two months since the Bitcoin halving, and it has not been three months, and the current price has not yet broken through the previous high. The interest rate cut has not yet begun, and the funds in the market have not yet poured in a large amount. At present, only the stock funds and ETF funds are supporting it.

The altcoin has not yet ushered in a big outbreak, but some people actually think that the bull market is over.

If it is really over, then this is not a real bull market at all, but just a small fluctuation in the bull market. The current situation requires us to be patient and not be affected by fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). Keep a calm mind and hold firmly.

If you have already bought Bitcoin, you can find other things to distract yourself, such as playing games or traveling. Don't check the market too frequently, and don't communicate too much with people in the cryptocurrency circle. This method is the best strategy for those who find it difficult to hold on.

Specific opportunities, specific decisions, check the top, you can get the position allocation strategy, teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market

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