Just like the demon slayer from heaven

He is really the Tai Sui God on earth

This round of predictions: Awesome!

Good morning! Dear brothers and sisters, it is time for a new round of intraday arrangements. I believe that many friends have made a lot of money following the visionary thinking yesterday, and are still not satisfied with yesterday's arrangements. I hope this trend can continue. I am the same. A round of big cake is nearly 3,000 points and the aunt is more than 170 points. I really enjoyed it, but this round ends here. The market trend has begun to change, and our thinking has to start adjusting.

In the general direction, we have already analyzed the macro sentiment and the market in the previous article, so I will not repeat it. Interested friends can check it out by themselves (7.3 Japanese "The long night is coming to an end, and a new round of wind will fully dominate the crypto market").

Coming to the market trend, this round of downward movement has reached the MA30 above the weekly trend line of the big cake, the five-day moving average has reached the lower track of BOLL, and the 4H level has formed a double-needle bottoming structure with the previous round of low points. As for the concubine, the lowest point is the perfect arrival of the three-day moving average MA60 in our previous layout, and the synchronous daily line has completed the complete touch of MA169. So many phenomena show that this round of downward movement will go against the bottom.

However, although we can maintain a bullish expectation in terms of macro sentiment in the future market and the market trend, we still need to pay attention to one point here. The big cake still reserves a downward foreshadowing in the two-day level trend, that is, the complete touch of the MA120 line, but we don’t need to worry too much. Even if it is fully touched, it must be a touch and go. The big bottom near 5.6W and our 5.8W long order layout position are only more than 2,000 points. We just need to make a good replenishment plan.

What we need to pay attention to here is that we must remain patient. This round of decline lasting nearly a month, even if we want to get out of the rising trend, it still takes time. It is likely that there will be a strong rebound after a few rounds of bottom oscillation and another round of inadvertent decline. Then our thinking is very clear. We will prioritize keeping positions at the bottom. In the short term, we will oscillate around the range, remain patient, hold with confidence, and wait for the takeoff to come.

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