I just woke up and opened WeChat to see the community. There were sighs everywhere. Then I saw Binance push $BTC $ETH . The market fell. But at this moment, my heart is calm. Yesterday, a fan asked me to short. I guessed that the market might fall. This falling market belongs to $1000SATS . If I short sats according to yesterday, my 15wu sats may make a profit. But I don’t touch the contract because I know I can’t control the strength. The inner peace is that I accept this market. I will do my own things as always. It’s just that I don’t pretend to be so deep. How sad I will be if I leave sats and other coins. Today’s decline is tomorrow’s low. It may continue to fall. Bitcoin may fall to 56,000. If it stops falling, it will go sideways. The cottage will only fall more terribly. Now I rarely open Binance. If Binance has an airdrop, I will do it. If not, I will sell my fruits. Life is like this, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, ups and downs. Life comes after mixing. I sell my fruit. When I feel sad, I eat an apple. There is nothing I can't get over. I have to pay for my choice. No gambling, no impatience. If I can really choose again, I will drag my mobile stall and sell rock sugar oranges all over the country. Amitabha #币安合约锦标赛 #比特币政策 #山寨现货布局如何布局 #以太坊ETF批准预期