At present, many investors may be immersed in regret and frustrated about their past decisions to invest heavily in altcoins. But please remember that the changes in the market are always unpredictable.

Once the market picks up, the bull market in altcoins will surely surge again. At that time, people may temporarily forget the current predicament, regain confidence, or even become overly optimistic and ignore the existence of risks.

Looking at those who once held different views on investment, such as Thirteen, they may have appeared "alternative" in the eyes of the public and insisted on their own investment philosophy. Just like Thirteen in the past, when Bitcoin was favored by the big guys, he chose a different path and believed in ICO, Tugou and other investments that seemed full of opportunities but full of risks. As a result, when Bitcoin holders reaped a lot of benefits, Thirteen experienced the painful lesson of his account being almost zero.

These experiences are valuable treasures, reminding us that in this volatile currency circle, whoever can persist to the end can truly laugh to the end and reap their own wealth.

The accumulation of wealth takes time, and requires patience and perseverance to resist market fluctuations and various temptations. Through the compounding effect of time, even seemingly small growth can become amazing with the accumulation of time.

Thirteen knows that this road is difficult and long, so he established Thirteen Circles, a community based on the concept of steady investment. He hopes to attract more like-minded friends to join by sharing his experience and ideas, and slowly accumulate wealth in the journey of the currency circle.

In Thirteen's plan, a bull market will realize a 5-fold increase in assets, and a bear market will maintain and increase value through reverse operations. After two bull markets, assets can achieve considerable growth. Although hundreds of times and thousands of times of returns sound tempting, Thirteen knows that such opportunities are rare and difficult to grasp. He pays more attention to steady growth and long-term accumulation.

Therefore, for ordinary investors, instead of blindly pursuing high returns, it is better to take every step down to earth, improve their investment capabilities through learning and practice, and gradually accumulate their own wealth. For more about Thirteen Circles and the concept of steady investment, please click on my avatar to learn more. #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛