Here is a story from the system, which I read online.

In a certain unit, people who are about to retire are given priority for promotion. There are also relevant documents, which instruct that people who are about to retire should be given priority, but promotion requires two "excellent" assessments before.

Once, a very honest and peaceful auntie was going to retire in the first half of the second year, but she only had one "excellent" before, so she had to be rated "excellent" this year, otherwise she would still be a section clerk when she retired.

As a result, her leader, for some reason, did not give her an excellent rating. Some people who have been promoted to deputy sections, or those who are still a few years away from retirement, were rated excellent.

After knowing the result, this auntie talked to the leader, and the leader said that the result had been decided and could not be changed. This auntie went to the leader of the bureau, and the bureau was also evasive.

The auntie said nothing, and everyone thought she had suffered a loss.

Unexpectedly, one day, the city leaders came to the county for inspection, and this auntie secretly observed. In the end, they found that they all went to the cafeteria to eat. Then they saw someone bringing wine in.

When the leaders were having dinner, the aunt suddenly broke in to take a video. She filmed everyone, including the wine on the table. The specifications were typical canteen corruption.

Everyone was eating happily at the time, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

After filming, the aunt sent the video to her colleagues and went to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to report it in person.

Later, the deputy director was sentenced because of other problems found; her leader was also among them and received a punishment; a leader in the city was also investigated and demoted from deputy director to first-level section officer.

Because this aunt had made meritorious reports, and the organization also discussed it, she was given the treatment of deputy section more than three months before retirement.

But it was not over yet. Later, she went to the office of the leaders in the bureau every three or five days to take a look and take videos. She was particularly concerned about the leaders who blocked her before retirement and stared at them. She said that as long as she was alive, her leaders would not be able to move up one step in that position.

After this incident, the trend of bullying honest people in her unit has changed significantly.

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