The market information we are exposed to is often carefully selected by the big guys behind the scenes and they want us to hear it. Bitcoin's weekly closing has been settled, and its trend is clear at a glance.

Recently, there have been constant rumors that the market will fall sharply in July, mainly because of the compensation issue of the Mentougou incident. But then again, this matter has been hyped up every year and has long lost its novelty. The specific method of compensation and whether it will be paid are still unknown. It is purely a reason for market speculation.

We have to be rational and not be led by these news. Think about it, why does this kind of news always come out when market sentiment is low and investors are panicking? It's very simple, it's to use the panic psychology of retail investors to give market leaders the opportunity to further suppress market sentiment and create greater panic.

As for me, I have always operated according to my own trend analysis, which can make money steadily. If you are still confused and don't know where the direction is, then when the market really explodes, you may miss the best time to enter.

I am looking forward to the market in the future, especially July, which I think will be an important turning point. However, I have to remind those new friends who have just come into contact with the cryptocurrency market not to rush in blindly when they see BTC hit a new high. It is better to follow me first and learn more about the cryptocurrency circle. Laying a solid foundation is the key! For more in-depth analysis and professional insights, please click on my avatar for details.

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