15 minutes ago, Bitcoin released a huge sell order to smash the market📉📉📉

After testing the key support level of 57800, it rebounded quickly‼ ️Is the downward trend going to end, or will there be a bigger plunge after the rebound📉

The day before yesterday, I told you that Bitcoin was going to fall below 60,000, and I told you that it was not a pin-drop below 60,000, but a long-term drop below 60,000, and a long-term consolidation and shock below 60,000, that is, the market will not fall below 60,000 and then rise quickly like before‼ ️‼ ️

This time, Bitcoin will fall below 60,000 in the 50,000 area. Stay for a relatively long time for a high-intensity wash. As of today, Bitcoin has successfully fallen below 60,000 to around 58,000🤑🤑 and there is no sign of a pin-drop rebound, but a steady shock trend around 58,000. Then it is completely consistent with the prediction that Bitcoin fell below 60,000 and came to around 50,000 to fluctuate, and stayed in the 50,000 area for a long time. This time the decline is completely different from the previous two times. The previous two times were slightly inserted into the 50,000 area and then quickly rebounded to 60,000, but this time I told you that it fell below 60,000 and stayed near 50,000 for a long time to form a plate. So now it is in the early stage of the decline. Bitcoin has just fallen below 60,000. The area around 60,000 has become a pressure point. The current nearest pressure point is around 62,000. Therefore, Bitcoin is likely to rebound in the early stage of this decline, and it will still break through 60,000, but it will not stand firm in the 60,000 area like before. It is likely to rebound from 58,000 to 61,000. It will rise to about 61,000 to 62,000, and then the next round of decline will begin. 📉📉📉

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布