Odaily Planet Daily News: U.S. District Judge Mary Rowland of Illinois sided with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and ordered Oregon man Sam Ikkurty and his companies Jafia LLC, Ikkurty Capital, LLC (Rose City Income Fund I), Rose City Income Fund II and Seneca Ventures, LLC to pay more than $120 million (more than $83.7 million in compensation and $36.9 million in disgorgement), part of which was used to compensate victims in what the CFTC called a "Ponzi scheme." It is worth noting that cryptocurrencies OHM and Klima are commodities in the order. The CFTC said in a statement: "The order not only finds that Bitcoin and Ethereum fall under the jurisdiction of the CFTC, but also that two non-Bitcoin virtual currencies, 'OHM' and 'Klima', are commodities, and points out that these virtual currencies belong to the same category as Bitcoin and have regulated futures trading." Judge Rowland's move to treat OHM and Klima as commodities may not mean much other than establishing the CFTC's jurisdiction over the case. (The Block) Earlier news, a federal court in Illinois ordered cryptocurrency hedge fund Jafia LLC and its owner Sam Ikkurty to pay $84 million to settle fraud charges filed by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).