Sun Ge invested heavily in $FLOKI !

Is the industry's dark red warning?

What do you think of the future of #FLOKI🔥 ?

From the end of June to the beginning of July, Sun Ge successively bought 300 million Floki! Based on the stereotype of Sun Ge as the industry's dark light, many leeks are ready to run away. In fact, there is no need to do so. The projects that Sun Ge bought are generally not wrong.

For example, Sun Ge invested in mining when it was $ETH 3200u. In the next few days, #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 fell first and then soared. Therefore, Sun Ge's heavy position is a big benefit for Floki. While the price is on the floor now, it is even more worthwhile to take a gamble!

Floki is the second #meme币 on BN in this round of bull market (#pepe⚡ is the first), and it is the most valuable animal currency IP at present, with a complete ecological plan. With the addition of the transaction repurchase and destruction mechanism, there is also an irregular repurchase plan by market maker #DWF . Compared with the market value of $WIF and bonk, Floki has a strong demand for catch-up!