!!! Shocking!!!

Trillions of PEPE tokens mysteriously disappeared from Binance, where will the price trend go?

In the field of blockchain, a shocking news was recently exposed by the blockchain tracking giant Whale Alert. A trillion PEPE tokens mysteriously disappeared on the Binance platform, which was like a stone breaking the sky, and instantly set off an uproar in the currency circle.

It is reported that the number of PEPE tokens that disappeared strangely this time is astonishing, as many as 1,286,733,285,955, with a total value of approximately US$14,745,963.

These tokens seemed to have collectively "evaporated" overnight and quietly flowed into a hidden wallet address.

However, when we delved deeper, the truth of the matter gradually surfaced.

According to the authoritative Etherscan data, the recipient of the huge transaction was actually an address called "Binance 70".

This detail is undoubtedly like a depth bomb, instantly triggering countless speculations and heated discussions in the market.

Is this a shocking capital movement within Binance? Or is there another unknown secret?

This event, like the mysterious "whale" migration, undoubtedly casts a heavy and mysterious veil over the future of the PEPE token.

If this is indeed a capital adjustment within Binance, then the price trend of the PEPE token is likely to be greatly impacted.

But surprisingly, despite the huge scale of this transaction, the price of PEPE only fell slightly by 1.59%.

This seems to indicate that the market did not show too much surprise or panic about the internal motivation of this transaction.

It is worth mentioning that the PEPE token had set a remarkable historical high on May 27, with a price of 0.00001722 US dollars.

However, it has entered a long and tormenting consolidation phase since then.

So far, the price of PEPE has been struggling below the daily SMA 50 line, and the current price is only $0.00001079.

For the PEPE token, whether it can successfully break through this key price may be the key to determining whether it can get rid of the current downturn and usher in a new round of rising prices.

Let us wait and see what the future trend will be!

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