Golden Finance reported that the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued an announcement today that Mary Rowland, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, issued an order to make a summary judgment in the Jafia LLC fraud case. The judge ordered Sam Ikkurty of Oregon and his company Jafia LLC, etc. to pay more than $120 million in partial compensation to the victims of what the agency called a "Ponzi scheme." It is worth noting that Judge Rowland also stated that "the order not only found that Bitcoin and Ethereum commodities fall under the jurisdiction of the CFTC, but also that the two virtual currencies OHM and Klima meet the commodity conditions," and pointed out that these virtual currencies belong to the same category as Bitcoin and involve regulated futures transactions. Compared with Bitcoin and Ethereum, OHM and Klima are smaller cryptocurrencies. However, the determination of which assets are securities (subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) or commodities (subject to the jurisdiction of the CFTC) has been controversial.