At present, from the daily level, Bitcoin rebounded and confirmed the pressure level of 63,000, and then tested the 60,000 mark again. The pressure level is 62,000-63,800, and the support level is 60,000. Ethereum rebounded and tested the 3,500 level, but still fell under pressure. The pressure level is 3,420-3,450, and the daily support level is 3,350. Whether the support is effective depends on the closing situation. At the 4-hour level, Bitcoin retreated as expected after testing the 63,500 level for the second time, and tested the 60,000 level again. In the short term, it is restricted by 610,000-61,500. As mentioned above, once the 60,000 level is broken, the short trend will continue, and the 58,000 level will be temporarily viewed. Similarly, Ethereum has broken the 3350 level at the 4-hour level. After the top and bottom conversion, it is restricted by the 3350-3400 level. The 3350 level mentioned above is regarded as a signal of the continuation of the short trend. If it breaks, the 3200 level will be temporarily viewed.

The current market has successfully gone out of expectations again. Yesterday morning, we arranged short orders at the current price. Bitcoin was shorted at 62,000-62,500, with a target of 61,000-60,000, and Ethereum was shorted at 3420-3450, with a target of 3350-3300. All targets were accurately reached, and we will continue to see the continuation of the short position in the future!

Operational ideas: See the continuation of the short position, and continue to short!

Bitcoin short at 61000-61500, target 60000-59000, loss above 62000;

Ether short at 3350-3370, target 3300-3200, loss above 3400;

Strategy is time-sensitive, specific private real-time guidance is the main focus!

Professional team gold medal analyst Ruoyu, focusing on contract trading guidance, follow the WeChat public account Biquan Ruoyu, to understand real-time market analysis and operation ideas! #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划