1.Price Movement:

The chart shows price movements over a five-day period (from July 3rd to July 8th).

The current price is approximately $0.1847, which represents a 6.65% increase from the previous value.

The 24-hour high is $0.1855, and the 24-hour low is $0.1777.


The volume of trades for this pair within the last 24 hours is approximately 2,000 ZK (ZK/USDC).

- The volume in USDC (the stablecoin) is approximately $1.08 million.

3.Moving Averages:

The 60-period moving average (MA60) is around $0.1847.

The 20-period moving average (MA20) is not clearly visible due to overlap with the current price.

4.Additional Information:

The chart displays other technical indicators such as EMA, BOLL, SAR, AVL, VOL, and MACD.

The x-axis represents time intervals (15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day).

Remember that this analysis is based on the available data, and I recommend consulting additional sources or conducting further research for a comprehensive understanding. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 😊

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