A collection of super-coin formulas summarized in the past ten years

Formula 1. See the bottom formula: The trend of shrinking volume has a cathode, and the extreme point is a new low. The market is easy to clean up when popularity is low, and it is good luck to grab the extreme.

Formula 2. Escape the top formula: There is a new high in new volume and new price, and there is no need to escape when the volume is reduced. Be vigilant when there is a huge volume, and you must run when there is price but no volume.

Formula 3. Short-selling formula: There must be bad news when shorting, and the market is easy to clean up when the general trend is sluggish. New lows are created one after another, and no volume is the extreme of yin.

Formula 4. Bottom-hunting formula: Reduce positions when the volume falls, and the new low of shrinking volume is the bottom. The increase in volume is the key, and you need to look back to confirm to enter the market.

Formula 5. Stop loss formula: I wanted the currency price to rise, but it went in the opposite direction. Recognize the situation and distinguish the intention, and increase positions if it is not a stop loss.

Formula 6. Mentality formula: The mentality is the key to currency speculation, and greed and fear are the biggest harm. Be cautious when chasing ups and downs, and be calm and at ease.

Formula 7. Main force formula: You are in the open and the dealer is in the dark. If you only look at the surface, you will be calculated. Shorts and bulls are traps. Look at the opposite of the meaning.

Formula 8. Shipping formula: Shipping must have good popularity, and the good news is expected. Cold washing and hot selling are the prerequisites, and the market is over with large volume and falling.

Formula 9. Washing the plate formula: Huge new highs make people suspicious, and confidence is lost with volume decline. No one follows the shrinking volume and attacking, and a new high will wash the plate.

Formula 10. Trend formula: Look at the trend when entering and exiting, and know when to stop when the volume and price are invisible. Everyone is chasing me, but I am awake. When popularity is low, I am ready to pick up.

Formula 11. Speculation formula: Short-term speculation has many risks, and the oriole is behind and the cicada is in front. Don't blame others for losing more and winning less, just because you look too superficially.

Formula 12. Rhythm formula: The rise and fall of currency prices are like waves, don't enter the wave. One tide falls and another rises, grasp the rhythm and make money.

Formula 13. News Formula: There are news all over the currency circle, and those who chase after shadows will be unlucky. There are bad news in the bullish news, and bad news may not necessarily lose money.

Formula 14. Indicator Formula: Indicators change with price and volume, and volume and price are the source of indicators. If you don't distinguish between volume and price and trust indicators, the man from Zheng will return empty-handed.

Formula 15. Form Formula: Its behavior is unpredictable, but its intention is unchanged. The key to interpreting the market is observation. The key to understanding the intention is to distinguish, and the key to entering and exiting freely is decisiveness. $BTC