The market plummeted! Isn't this an opportunity?

If you think it will fall further, just go short all the way!

If you think it's at the bottom, then buy at the bottom!

Why haven't you made money in the cryptocurrency circle for so long?

Let's see how many of these you have encountered

1. The price of a certain currency is high, but you can't stand the empty position period, so you have a fluke mentality to layout in!

2. The market plummeted without layout;

3. Even if you have a layout, you don't hold it, and you get off the bus as soon as the dealer washes it;

4. The chips are too scattered;

5. Frequent operations, constant position changes, chasing ups and downs, and finally missed the bull market;

6. Chasing up in the bull market, and full positions, a big correction will cause you to cut your losses and leave the market;

7. I don't know when the bull market comes, I dare not hold a heavy position, and I don't know when the bull market is gone, and I still hold a heavy position or continue to increase my position.

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划  #ENS  #bnx

In addition, Brother Jiu has also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

If you take the initiative to find me, I will take you ashore.

Leave a comment: 8. Take you into my area to pick up 👈