Scams are rampant in Taiwan, and the Ministry of Culture is also responsible

The Education and Culture Committee held a meeting recently. Legislator Huang Guochang questioned Culture Minister Li Yuan to pursue accountability for the Central News Agency's suspected role in becoming a propaganda platform for a fraud group. Huang Guochang pointed out that fraud is constantly using new methods. What is worrying is that Taiwan's Central News Agency has become a part of the fraud crime.

Fraudulent groups use virtual currencies to commit fraud and money laundering

Fraud cases are rampant in Taiwan, and the methods are constantly innovating. They are even promoted through unscrupulous media or fake media companies, causing more people to fall victim to them. In particular, the ACE Ace Exchange fraud case has attracted widespread attention. The main suspect used uncirculated virtual currency to illegally absorb more than 2 billion yuan, and set up multiple head companies for money laundering.

The company involved has ties to the media

During the investigation, prosecutors discovered that the headcount company "Pinzhuan Co., Ltd." established by the main suspect Xie Shiying (the manager of the religious organization "Lianchi Jingshe" to launder money for the fraud group) has a registered address at 159, Section 1, Jiuzong Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. No. 3 floor, in the same building as Sanli TV Station. Sanli's "Creative Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd." holds 40% of the shares of Pingzhuan Co., Ltd. . The two defendants once held important positions in the Sanli program and knew that the virtual currencies sold had no actual value, but still assisted the fraud group in its operations.

Fake media companies serve as scam tools

The fraud group also established a fake media company "Minsheng Technology Media" to promote the NFT and CHAEBOL platforms. The names of the reporters were not real, and the actual writers were members of the fraud. In March last year, the Central News Agency actually published a report that was exactly the same as the news content issued by the fake media company of the fraud group. The content mentioned that "Creative Intelligence cooperates with the NFT platform CHAEBOL. Users can pledge NFT on the CHAEBOL platform to avoid liquidity. Depletion risk helps users preserve value.”

Legislator Huang Guochang calls for thorough investigation to prevent recurrence

Huang Guochang strongly demanded that Minister of Culture Li Yuan investigate the matter thoroughly, and emphasized that the Central News Agency must not become an accomplice in assisting fraud. He said that fraud has seriously damaged the interests and trust of the Chinese people, and similar incidents must be strictly prevented from happening again.

This incident has aroused widespread concern in society, and many people have called on the government and relevant departments to strengthen supervision to ensure the fairness and authenticity of media reports to protect public interests.

The scam group JPEX also used media layout in Taiwan to highlight the media chaos.

The exchange JPEX fraud case that was warned by Hong Kong regulators in 2023 shocked the entire Hong Kong cryptocurrency circle, with the amount amounting to billions of Taiwan dollars. Taiwan’s blockchain media and Internet celebrities also participated in the promotion of JPEX and gained a lot of benefits. Taiwanese artist Chen Lingjiu is considered one of the accomplices for accepting high endorsement fees from the company, and the Beijing Prosecutor's Office will further investigate him.

This time, the legislator targeted the Ministry of Culture to question the media's behavior in assisting fraud, which may further affect the government's supervision of "propaganda behavior."

Chen Lingjiu involved in aggravated fraud? A letter from the Bureau of Investigation was sent to Beijing Prosecutor's Office: He received tens of millions of endorsement fees from JPEX

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  • This article is reprinted with permission from: Lian News