A friend complained to me that whatever coin he bought would fall, and as soon as he sold it, the coin would rise, and he felt trapped in a vicious circle.

The situation is generally due to the following reasons:

1. Buying timing problem: It may be because he was attracted by the short-term high returns of certain coins or the general rise of the market, and he was trapped as soon as he bought it.

2. Wrong coin selection: Some coins will rebound after falling to a certain extent even if they are bought at a relatively high point, because they have special concepts or strong fundamentals. Moreover, as the market environment improves and stabilizes, these coins can continue to break through previous highs.

3. Mentality problem: He may be more easily affected by market sentiment and chase ups and downs. He is unwilling to sell when the coin price rises sharply, and wants to run away as soon as it falls slightly. In the final analysis, there is still no coin selection strategy that suits him, and he lacks confidence in the coin he chooses.

In general, investing in cryptocurrencies requires the right timing, in-depth understanding of the project, and a good mentality and strategy. Only in this way can we make steady profits in this volatile market.
