Is Sol worth holding for a long time? How much will it rise in 2024?

(Zhu Ye Jiao Liu)

The past and present of Sol coin

First of all, we have to understand the background of SOL coin. SOL coin is the native token of Solana blockchain platform. Solana is known as the "fighter in high-performance public chain" and has quickly emerged in the market with its high speed and low cost. The team is strong and the technology is strong. These are the reasons why SOL coin has attracted much attention.

Why is SOL coin worth holding for a long time?

1. Obvious technical advantages

Solana's high performance is unquestionable. It can process tens of thousands of transactions per second, and the handling fee is astonishingly low. This technical advantage has enabled Solana to quickly gain a foothold in DeFi, NFT and other fields, attracting a large number of developers and project parties.

2. The ecosystem continues to expand

Solana's ecosystem is developing rapidly, and various applications are emerging in an endless stream. From decentralized exchanges to games and NFT markets, Solana covers almost everything. The huge ecosystem means continuous demand, which has formed a strong support for the price of SOL coin.

3. Capital favors

My friends, don’t look at the advertisements, look at the effects. Look at the actions of those investment giants. FTX, Alameda Research and other big guys are betting heavily on Solana. This is the most direct manifestation of market confidence. The vision of the rich is always sharp, and their layout can often bring further market explosion.

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