$9 billion in Bitcoin released: How will Mt. Gox's repayment shake the market?

Mt. Gox repayment event: Bitcoin market faces a critical test

Mt. Gox's $9 billion Bitcoin repayment plan is about to start, and this event will undoubtedly become the focus of the cryptocurrency market. The hacker attack in 2014 brought down Mt. Gox, and now creditors are expected to recover their investment. However, the market has reacted cautiously, fearing that the influx of a large amount of Bitcoin will bring price volatility.

Although the price of Bitcoin has soared by more than 10,000% in the past decade, the distribution of 140,000 BTC may trigger market selling pressure. Analysts are divided on this issue, some believe that the actual distribution amount may be lower than expected, thus relieving market pressure, while others predict that the Mt. Gox repayment will trigger a sell-off of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Historical experience shows that major liquidity events often lead to sharp fluctuations in Bitcoin prices. Currently, Bitcoin prices are facing weakness, and both trading volume and market value show market uncertainty. As Mt. Gox's repayment approaches, investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics and prepare for possible fluctuations.

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低