If you have been losing money, please read on.

Change your thinking.

Our winning rate will be higher!

As long as you stand on the wind, even pigs can fly.

For example, in the early days of reform and opening up, when you quit your job and start a business, there were opportunities everywhere that could allow you to cross classes.

Now the economic environment is not good, if you say you want to quit your job and start a business, many people will lose everything.

The same is true for trading cottages.

When the bull market just started, we just picked a few cottages that had not started, and it was easy to get a few points of increase.

Now even if ETFs are hyped well, ETF funds will not flow into cottages. There is little money in the cottage market. If there is no money, what can you use to pull the market? The chance of winning becomes very small. Do you still insist on bottom-fishing?

This is also the reason why I dared to post an article to call for shorting on the increase list before. If it was in the big bull market of cottages, it would be very dangerous for me to do so, but it is obviously not now.

Why not change your thinking and find a target to short when cottages are prone to fall?

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