In the currency circle, a field full of opportunities and risks, the vast majority of participants eventually face losses. There are several simple but profound reasons behind this.

Imagine it is like playing a high-risk game. Although some people have achieved financial freedom through strategic currency accumulation and reasonable asset allocation, these are only the success stories of a very small number of people.

Although the world of cryptocurrency is alluring, the path to wealth may seem clear, but in fact it is full of thorns.

Driven by greed, many players invest all their positions and use leverage, futures and other tools to try to double quickly. The result is that the risk is magnified, like dancing on the edge of a cliff. Or, they are impatient and hesitate when the market is down, missing good opportunities; and when the market is up, they impulsively borrow money to increase their positions. As a result, they panic when the market fluctuates, selling low and buying high, making repeated mistakes.

What's more, they are confused by the illusion of short-term profits, such as following the trend and investing in popular currencies like Dogecoin, but ignore the risks behind them.

At the same time, "pits" such as fraud, hackers, exchange problems, and account security are also emerging one after another, and you may fall into them if you are not careful. The worst thing is that some people don't even keep their private keys well, resulting in the direct loss of assets and years of hard work being in vain.

In general, the currency circle is like a marathon that tests wisdom and self-control. If you are not careful, you will be tripped by the "devils" on the roadside - greed, impulsiveness, blind following the trend and other temptations, thus deviating from sound investment. road, falling into the abyss of loss.

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