In every generation, there are people who think that buying a house is not good, Moutai is not good, blockchain is not good, Bitcoin is not good, and has no value.

Those who understand it earlier will benefit earlier.

Those who think it is not good will wait until they are old, but still cannot afford Moutai and do not have their own house.

So you should listen to those who have houses and drink Moutai:

"Buy Moutai below 1500 at the bottom, and buy houses in the core areas of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen before the US interest rate cut cycle starts."

Or listen to those who have no house and have never drunk Moutai:

"If you say that the house is not good, Moutai's stock is not good."

Of course, you can also choose to be like him when you are old and cannot afford Moutai and buy a house. Then you can continue to tell your children that "buying a house is not good, renting a house is really good" and "Moutai is not good, it is healthier for us to drink water when we get together."