Wu said that Sui announced the winners of the first global hackathon. The winners covered the top three in 8 tracks, with two third places in each track. The top three in the consumer and mobile device track were Pandora Finance, stream gift, AdToken and Wave Wallet; the DeFi track was Hop Aggregator, Aeon, Shio and Hakifi; the Gaming track was AresRPG, Wagmi Kitchen, Infinite Seas and Shall We Move; the infrastructure and attack track was Kraken, SuiGPT, BitsLab IDE and SuiPass; the advanced mobile function track was Promise, Su Protocol, Sui Simulator and Sui Metadata; the multi-chain track was Sui NTT, Wormhole Kit, SuiWalletBot and Multichain Meme Creator; the randomness track was Sui dApp Starter, BioWallet, SuiAutochess and HexCapsule; the zkLogin track was PinataBot, LiquidLink, Webauth on Sui and Aalps Protocol.