#BlockchainNews# Hello, blockchain enthusiasts! RISC Zero and Celestia are working together to build Blobstream Zero, a zkVM-based Blobstream bridge. The goal of this little guy is to connect Celestia's data availability layer with chains such as Ethereum, Optimism, Bitcoin, Solana, etc., so that Rollup and applications can generate proofs across chains more efficiently. In addition, Blobstream Zero also introduces a ZK coprocessor, allowing DApps on Ethereum, Optimism, and Solana to run data-intensive ZK programs without sacrificing composability. The best part is that Blobstream Zero will be a fully open source and permissionless public product that all developers and projects can run and generate ZK proofs locally. 👏Isn't this cool? What do you think about this? Feel free to talk in the comments!